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The 5 Best SaaS Tools for Marketing Teams

Posted by Trevor Hatfield

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Feb 26, 2015 9:26:00 AM


This article will breakdown the top 5 products we use on a daily basis at Inturact. I have really started to become a SaaS marketing tools lover, and often try out many products a month to see if there is anything at Inturact we are missing or could be doing better. Much of our marketing team has been remote for many years and it's vital that we find the right products to keep us organized and on track. We have transitioned from a few products in the past, so I’ll breakdown the top 5 products we use daily and what we had switched from. Without further adieu here are the top 5 products we use daily at Inturact:

  1. Slack

Slack has been vital in reducing the amount of emails we receive and is great for organizing team discussion.

We substituted Slack out for Skype. The main reason being its many integrations, including Google Drive, and the excellent search features. We would constantly lose old discussions in Skype and need to reference them. With slack we can easily reference anything in the past including files with a simple search query.

Also, we were able to use a great free integration with Go To Meeting in order to drum up a quick chat between the team. This was instrumental in eliminating Skype since we were used to just calling each other quickly when need be.

Checkout more about Slack here.

  1. Teamwork

We use Teamwork for all of our client projects and monthly marketing retainers. This keeps all of the members of a specific project or program inline and organized.

We had used Basecamp in the past but when the new version came out many of the old features we used were lost. We found them and many more, out-of-the-box, with Teamwork. Some of these include time tracking, sub-tasks, and gnatt charts.

Checkout more about Teamwork here.

  1. HubSpot

We started as a HubSpot partner at the end of 2013, created our site on their brand new COS, and have never looked back. By integrating all aspects of our inbound marketing efforts in one place it has drastically increased our visits and leads.

Before switching to HubSpot our site was on WordPress and it looked great, and functioned well. However we were using many other tools to integrate with our site and it wasn’t a very streamlined process. Pretty close to exactly on launch in March of 2014 on the HubSpot CIS our traffic spiked. We can view this through our Google Analytics account since it has been tracking on both sites.

Checkout more about HubSpot here.

  1. Google Drive

Google Drive has been a team productivity machine. With the ability to simultaneously work on docs and sheets we can collaborate for a more effective sales quoting process, better team blog editing, and adding to different sheets (Excel docs) together.

We have moved from many other products including our own Synology server, but most recently from Box. Box was actually a great file manager, but without the live document collaboration, it just wasn’t as useful.

Pro Tip: 

Google Drive as a File Manager is best used with AODocs. AODocs allows anyone on your team to upload to a central storage area and the ownership will chage for everyone. This allows a company to always be in charge, and own, all documents on Google Drive, even for outside collaborators.

Checkout more about Google Drive here.

  1. OneLogin 

OneLogin has been a great addition to onboarding new employees. We simply create a new OneLogin account for them, show them basic use, and they are ready to login to all Inturact apps.

OneLogin replaced a Google Sheets document that simply listed out all of our logins to all of the Inturact apps / products. We actually still use a sheets document for web development logins to sites, control panels and servers.

Checkout more about OneLogin here.


Finding the right tools can make or break a company, they are that important. Do some reasearch on what works best for you, it may be different then Inturact. Hopefully this will give you some insight in selecting some of the right tools. 

We use upwards 30 apps at Inturact, these are only 5 favorites used daily, We created SubCtrl to help us know what we are spending on all subscriptions and be able to try new products out without getting lost in  free trials. Now we get notifications before they upgrade or cancel and don't have to worry about trying out new products.

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Topics: SaaS Marketing


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